

Relevance Feedback Methods in Content Based Retrieval and Video Summarization

14 years 6 months ago
Relevance Feedback Methods in Content Based Retrieval and Video Summarization
In the current state-of-the-art in multimedia content analysis (MCA), the fundamental techniques are typically derived from core pattern recognition and computer vision algorithms. It is well known that completely automatic pattern recognition and computer vision approaches have not been successful in being robust and domain independent so we should not expect more from MCA algorithms. The exception to this would naturally be methods which are human-interactive or not automatic. In this paper, we describe some of the recent work we have done in multimedia content analysis across multiple domains where the fundamental technique is founded in interactive search. Our novel algorithm integrates our previous work from wavelet based salient points and genetic algorithms and shows that the main contribution and improvement is from the user feedback provided by the interactive search.
Micha Haas, Ard Oerlemans, Michael S. Lew
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Micha Haas, Ard Oerlemans, Michael S. Lew
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