

Distributed Integrity Checking for Systems with Replicated Data

14 years 8 months ago
Distributed Integrity Checking for Systems with Replicated Data
This work presents a new comparison-based diagnosis model and a new algorithm, called Hi-Dif, based on this model. The algorithm is used for checking the integrity of systems with replicated data, for instance, detecting unauthorized Web page modifications. Faultfree nodes running Hi-Dif send a task to two other nodes and the task results are compared. If the comparison produces a match, the two nodes are classified in the same set. On the other hand, if the comparison results in a mismatch, the two nodes are classified in different sets, according to their task results. One of the sets always contains all fault-free nodes. One fundamental difference of the proposed model to previously published models is that the new model allows the task outputs of two faulty nodes to be equal to each other. Considering a system of N nodes, we prove that the algorithm has latency equal to log2N testing rounds in the worst case; that the maximum number of tests required is O(N2); and, that the algori...
Roverli Pereira Ziwich, Elias Procópio Duar
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Roverli Pereira Ziwich, Elias Procópio Duarte Jr., Luiz Carlos Pessoa Albini
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