Energy constraints in a wireless sensor network are crucial issues criticallyaffectingthe network lifetime and connectivity. To realize true energysavingin a wireless environment,the time varying property of the wireless channelshould also be taken into account. Unfortunately, this factorhas long been ignored in most existingstate-of-the-art energy saving protocols. Neglectingthe effects of varying channel quality can lead to an unnecessarywaste of precious battery resources,and,in turn, can resultin the rapid depletionof sensor energy and partitioningof the network. Inthis paper, we propose a channeladaptiveenergymanagementprotocol, called CAEM, that can exploitthis time varying nature of the wireless link. Specifically, CAEM leverages on the synergistically cross-layer interactionbetween physical and MAC layers. Thus, each sensor node can intelligentlyaccess the wireless medium according to the current wireless link qualityand the predicted traffic load, to realize an efficient utili...