

Variational Local Structure Estimation for Image Super-Resolution

15 years 2 months ago
Variational Local Structure Estimation for Image Super-Resolution
Super-resolution is an important but difficult problem in image/video processing. If a video sequence or some training set other than the given low-resolution image is available, this kind of extra information can greatly aid in the reconstruction of the high-resolution image. The problem is substantially more difficult with only a single low-resolution image on hand. The image reconstruction methods designed primarily for denoising is insufficient for super-resolution problem in the sense that it tends to oversmooth images with essentially no noise. We propose a new adaptive linear interpolation method based on variational method and inspired by local linear embedding (LLE). The experimental result shows that our method avoids the problem of oversmoothing and preserves image structures well.
Heng Lian
Added 22 Oct 2009
Updated 22 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ICIP
Authors Heng Lian
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