

Smart power-saving mode for IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs

14 years 8 months ago
Smart power-saving mode for IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs
StaticPSM (Power-Saving Mode)schemes employed in the current IEEE 802.11 implementations could not provide any delag-performance guarantee because of their fixed wakeup intervals. In this paper, we propose a smart PSM (SPSM)scheme, which directs a wireless station to sleeplwake up according to an “optimal” sequence, such that the desired delay performance is guaranteed with minimum energy consumption. Instead of constructing the sequence directlF, SPSM takes a unique twostep approach. First, it translates an arbitrary user-desired delay performance into a generic penalty function. Second, it provides a generic algorithm that takes the penalty function as the input and produces the optimal station action sequence automatically. This way, the potentiallycomplicated energy-consumption. minimization problem subject to delay-performance constraints is simplified and solved systematically. Our simulation results show that, with a two-stair penalty function, SPSM achieves delay performanc...
Daji Qiao, Kang G. Shin
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Daji Qiao, Kang G. Shin
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