

Bounding the power rate function of wireless ad hoc networks

14 years 8 months ago
Bounding the power rate function of wireless ad hoc networks
Abstract— Given a wireless ad hoc network and an endto-end traffic pattern, the power rate function refers to the minimum total power required to support different throughput under a simplified layered model of wireless networks. A critical notion of the layered model is the supported (realizable) capacity graphs, which describe possible bit-rate provisions on the links by the physical and link layers. Under the layered model, the problem of finding the power rate function can be transformed into finding the minimum-power supported capacity graph that can provide a given throughput. We introduce a usage conflict graph to represent the conflicts among different uses of the wireless medium. Testing the realizability of a given capacity graph can be transformed into finding the (vertex) chromatic number, i.e., the minimum number of colors required in a proper vertex-coloring, of the associated usage conflict graph. Based on an upper bound of the chromatic number, we propose a li...
Yunnan Wu, Qian Zhang, Wenwu Zhu, Sun-Yuan Kung
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Yunnan Wu, Qian Zhang, Wenwu Zhu, Sun-Yuan Kung
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