

Automatic Support for Irregular Computations in a High-Level Language

14 years 8 months ago
Automatic Support for Irregular Computations in a High-Level Language
The problem of writing high performance parallel applications becomes even more challenging when irregular, sparse or adaptive methods are employed. In this paper we introduce compiler and runtime support for programs with indirect array accesses into Titanium, a high-level language that combines an explicit SPMD parallelism model with implicit communication through a global shared address space. By combining the well-known inspectorexecutor technique with high level multi-dimensional array constructs, compiler analysis and performance modeling, we demonstrate optimizations that are entirely hidden from the programmer. The global address space makes the programs easier to write than in message passing, with remote array accesses used in place of explicit messages with data packing and unpacking. The programs are also faster than message passing programs: Using sparse matrixvector multiplication programs, we show that the Titanium code is an average of 21% faster across several matrice...
Jimmy Su, Katherine A. Yelick
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IPPS
Authors Jimmy Su, Katherine A. Yelick
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