

Reconfigurable Sequential Consistency Algorithm

14 years 8 months ago
Reconfigurable Sequential Consistency Algorithm
In this paper, we propose, implement and analyze the performance of a Reconfigurable Sequential Consistency Algorithm (RSCA) using simulation. Extending the concepts of reconfigurable devices to the algorithmic level, we model RSCA that is a reconfigurable sequential consistency algorithm for asynchronous distributed systems that manage concurrent objects stating. As our main results, we present that, on average, the performance of RSCA was 36% better than the traditional sequential consistency algorithms. The main contributions of this paper are: the definition, proposal, implementation and performance analysis of RSCA.
Christiane V. Pousa, Luís Fabrício W
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IPPS
Authors Christiane V. Pousa, Luís Fabrício Wanderley Góes, Dulcinéia Oliveira da Penha, Carlos Augusto Paiva da Silva Martins
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