

Baseball event detection using game-specific feature sets and rules

14 years 7 months ago
Baseball event detection using game-specific feature sets and rules
—A framework for scrutinizing baseball videos is proposed. By applying the well-defined baseball rules, this work exactly identifies what happens in a game rather than roughly finding some interesting parts. After extracting the information changes on the superimposed caption, a rulebased decision is applied to detect meaningful events. Only three types of information, including number of outs, number of scores, and base-occupation situation, have to be considered in the detection process. The experimental results show the effectiveness of this framework and demonstrate some research opportunities about generating semantic-level summary or indexing for sports videos.
Chih-Hao Liang, Wei-Ta Chu, Jin-Hau Kuo, Ja-Ling W
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Chih-Hao Liang, Wei-Ta Chu, Jin-Hau Kuo, Ja-Ling Wu, Wen-Huang Cheng
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