

Model-Checking of Component-Based Event-Driven Real-Time Embedded Software

14 years 8 months ago
Model-Checking of Component-Based Event-Driven Real-Time Embedded Software
As complexity of real-time embedded software grows, it is desirable to use formal verification techniques to achieve a high level of assurance. We discuss application of model-checking to verify system-level concurrency properties of component-based real-time embedded software based on CORBA Event Service, using Avionics Mission Computing software as an application example. We use the process algebra FSP to formalize specification of software components and system architecture, previously only available in the form of natural language and prone to misinterpretation and misunderstanding, and use model-checking to verify system-level concurrency properties. We also discuss effective techniques for coping with the state-space explosion problem by exploiting application domain semantics. We have applied our analysis techniques to realistic application scenarios provided by our industry partner to demonstrate their utility and power.
Zonghua Gu, Kang G. Shin
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Zonghua Gu, Kang G. Shin
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