

An Integrated Architecture for Future Car Generations

14 years 7 months ago
An Integrated Architecture for Future Car Generations
Depending on the physical structuring of large distributed safety-critical real-time systems, one can distinguish federated and integrated system architectures. The DECOS architecture combines the complexity management advantages of federated systems with the functional integration and hardware benefits of an integrated approach. This paper investigates the benefits of the DECOS integrated system architecture as an electronic infrastructure for future car generations. The shift to an integrated architecture will result in quantifiable cost reductions in the areas of system hardware cost and system development. In the paper we present a current federated Fiat car E/E architecture and discuss a possible mapping to an integrated solution based on the DECOS architecture. The proposed architecture provides a foundation for mixedcriticality integration with both safety-critical and non safety-critical subsystems. In particular, this architecture supports applications up to the highest cr...
Philipp Peti, Roman Obermaisser, Fulvio Tagliabo,
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Philipp Peti, Roman Obermaisser, Fulvio Tagliabo, A. Marino, S. Cerchio
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