

Clustering Software Artifacts Based on Frequent Common Changes

14 years 8 months ago
Clustering Software Artifacts Based on Frequent Common Changes
Changes of software systems are less expensive and less error-prone if they affect only one subsystem. Thus, clusters of artifacts that are frequently changed together are subsystem candidates. We introduce a two-step method for identifying such clusters. First, a model of common changes of software artifacts, called co-change graph, is extracted from the version control repository of the software system. Second, a layout of the co-change graph is computed that reveals clusters of frequently co-changed artifacts. We derive requirements for such layouts, and introduce an energy model for producing layouts that fulfill these requirements. We evaluate the method by applying it to three example systems, and comparing the resulting layouts to authoritative decompositions.
Dirk Beyer, Andreas Noack
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IWPC
Authors Dirk Beyer, Andreas Noack
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