

Bamboo: an architecture modeling and code generation framework for configuration management systems

14 years 8 months ago
Bamboo: an architecture modeling and code generation framework for configuration management systems
We describe an architecture modeling and code generation framework called Bamboo. Using Bamboo, engineers design SCM repository and feature models, and then generate a running SCM system from the models. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.13 [Reusable Software]: Domain engineering, Reuse models; I.2.2 [Automatic Programming]: Program synthesis. General Terms Design, Languages. Keywords Configuration management, software modeling and generation.
Guozheng Ge, E. James Whitehead Jr.
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where KBSE
Authors Guozheng Ge, E. James Whitehead Jr.
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