

SWAT: Small World-based Attacker Traceback in Ad-hoc Networks

14 years 7 months ago
SWAT: Small World-based Attacker Traceback in Ad-hoc Networks
Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) provide a lot of promise for many practical applications. However, MANETs are vulnerable to a number of attacks due to its autonomous nature. DoS/DDoS attacker traceback is especially challenging in MANETs for the lack of infrastructure. In this paper, we propose an efficient on-the-fly search technique, SWAT, to trace back DoS and DDoS attackers in MANETs. Our scheme borrows from small worlds, utilizes the concept of Contacts, and use Traffic Pattern Matching (TPM) and Traffic Volume Matching (TVM) techniques. We also propose multi-directional search, in-network processing and query suppression to reduce communication overhead in energyconstrained MANETs and increase traceback robustness against spoofing and collusion. Simulation results show that SWAT successfully traces back DoS and DDoS attacker under reasonable background traffic. In addition, SWAT incurs low communication overhead (22% compared to flooding-based search).
Yongjin Kim, Ahmed Helmy
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Yongjin Kim, Ahmed Helmy
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