

Comparison of Two Distinctive Model Driven Web Service Orchestration Proposals

14 years 8 months ago
Comparison of Two Distinctive Model Driven Web Service Orchestration Proposals
The concept of MDA (model driven architecture) aims at the goal of longevity (through business logic and architecture migration between different platforms) and quality improvement (through raising the level of ion). In the context of business process modeling and execution a frictionless mapping between high level, platform independent business process definition and platform specific, executable code has to be achieved. In this paper we compare two existing real world mapping scenarios of IBM and Microsoft concerning Web Service Orchestration. One “topdown” approach starting with high-level UML models down to executable code, the other as a “bottom-up” approach, with proprietary modeling integrated within the IDE. We try to answer the question how far both proposals implemented the MDA concept yet and discuss how they could support our current project of a service oriented architecture for the manufacturing shop floor domain.
Konrad Pfadenhauer, Burkhard Kittl, Schahram Dustd
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Konrad Pfadenhauer, Burkhard Kittl, Schahram Dustdar
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