

Evaluation of an awareness distribution mechanism: A simulation approach

14 years 8 months ago
Evaluation of an awareness distribution mechanism: A simulation approach
In distributed software engineering, the role of informal communication is frequently overlooked. Participants simply employ their own ad-hoc methods of informal communication. Consequently such communication is haphazard, irregular, and rarely recorded as part of the project documentation. Thus, a need for tool support to facilitate more systematic informal communication via awareness has been identified. The tool proposed is based on the provision of awareness support that recognises the complete context of the evolution of software artefacts rather than single events. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networking has been successfully employed to develop various distributed software engineering support tools. However, there are scalability problems inherent in naive P2P networks. To this end a semantic overlay network organisation algorithm has been developed and tested in simulation prior to deployment as part of a forthcoming awareness extension to the Eclipse environment. The simulation veri�...
David Nutter, Cornelia Boldyreff
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors David Nutter, Cornelia Boldyreff
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