

Mining Communities on the Web Using a Max-Flow and a Site-Oriented Framework

14 years 8 months ago
Mining Communities on the Web Using a Max-Flow and a Site-Oriented Framework
There are several methods for mining communities on the Web using hyperlinks. One of the well-known ones is a max-flow based method proposed by Flake et al. The method adopts a page-oriented framework, that is, it uses a page on the Web as a unit of information, like other methods including HITS and trawling. Recently, Asano et al. built a site-oriented framework which uses a site as a unit of information, and they experimentally showed that trawling on the site-oriented framework often outputs significantly better communities than trawling on the page-oriented framework. However, it has not been known whether the site-oriented framework is effective in mining communities through the max-flow based method. In this paper, we first point out several problems of the max-flow based method, mainly owing to the page-oriented framework, and then propose solutions to the problems by utilizing several advantages of the site-oriented framework. Computational experiments reveal that our max...
Yasuhito Asano, Takao Nishizeki, Masashi Toyoda
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where WISE
Authors Yasuhito Asano, Takao Nishizeki, Masashi Toyoda
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