

Dynamic power management using on demand paging for networked embedded systems

14 years 8 months ago
Dynamic power management using on demand paging for networked embedded systems
— The power consumption of the network interface plays a major role in determining the total operating lifetime of wireless networked embedded systems. In case of on-demand paging, a low power secondary radio is used to wake up the higher power radio, allowing the latter to sleep for longer periods of time. In this paper we present use of Bluetooth radios to serve as a paging channel for the 802.11b wireless LAN. We have implemented an on-demand paging scheme on an infrastructure based WLAN consisting of iPAQ PDAs equipped with Bluetooth radios and Cisco Aironet wireless networking cards. Our results show power saving ranging from 23% to 48% over the present 802.11b standard operating modes with negligible impact on performance.
Yuvraj Agarwal, Curt Schurgers, Rajesh Gupta
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Yuvraj Agarwal, Curt Schurgers, Rajesh Gupta
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