- Routing is one of the important steps in VLSI/ULSI physical design. The rectilinear Steiner minimum tree (RSMT) construction is an essential part of routing. Since macro cells, IP blocks, and pre-routed nets are often regarded as obstacles in the routing phase, obstacle-avoiding RSMT (OARSMT) algorithms are useful for practical routing applications. This paper focuses on the OARSMT problem and presents an algorithm, named An-OARSMan, based on ant colony optimization. A greedy obstacle penalty distance (OP-distance) local heuristic is used in the algorithm and performed on the track graph. The algorithm has been implemented and tested on different kinds of obstacles. Experimental results show that An-OARSMan can handle complex obstacle cases including both convex and concave polygon obstacles with good length performance. It can always achieve the optimal solution in the cases with no more than 7 terminals.