

What is the space for?: the role of space in authoring hypertext representations

14 years 8 months ago
What is the space for?: the role of space in authoring hypertext representations
This paper describes our approach of using spatial hypertext as a means separated from an end representation for hypertext authoring. By taking advantage of the power of rich interpretation and constant grounding capabilities of a spatial hypertext representation, ART001, ART006, and ART014 use spatial hypertext as a means for authoring linear, hierarchical, and network structures, respectively. The role of the space of the tools includes controlling a structure and annotating a structure. The three prototyped tools have been developed to demonstrate what visual interaction design concerns need to be taken into account to integrate a spatial hypertext as a means with another structural representation as an end. The paper concludes with a discussion of what it means to separate representations as a means from those as an end in hypertext authoring. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User Interfaces – Graphical User Interfaces, Interact...
Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Yoshiyuki Nish
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where HT
Authors Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Yoshiyuki Nishinaka, Mitsuhiro Asada, Ryouichi Matsuda
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