

ScentHighlights: highlighting conceptually-related sentences during reading

14 years 6 months ago
ScentHighlights: highlighting conceptually-related sentences during reading
Researchers have noticed that readers are increasingly skimming instead of reading in depth. Skimming also occur in re-reading activities, where the goal is to recall specific topical facts. Bookmarks and highlighters were invented precisely to achieve this goal. For skimming activities, readers need effective ways to direct their attention toward the most relevant passages within text. We describe how we have enhanced skimming activity by conceptually highlighting sentences within electronic text that relate to search keywords. We perform the conceptual highlighting by computing what conceptual keywords are related to each other via word co-occurrence and spreading activation. Spreading activation is a cognitive model developed in psychology to simulate how memory chunks and conceptual items are retrieved in our brain. We describe the method used, and illustrate the idea with realistic scenarios using our system. ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentat...
Ed Huai-hsin Chi, Lichan Hong, Michelle Gumbrecht,
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IUI
Authors Ed Huai-hsin Chi, Lichan Hong, Michelle Gumbrecht, Stuart K. Card
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