

Animating an interactive conversational character for an educational game system

14 years 7 months ago
Animating an interactive conversational character for an educational game system
Within the framework of the project NICE (Natural Interactive Communication for Edutainment) [2], we have been developing an educational and entertaining computer game that allows children and teenagers to interact with a conversational character impersonating the fairy tale writer H.C. Andersen (HCA). The rationale behind our system is to make kids learn about HCA’s life, fairy tales and historical period while playing and having fun. We report on the character’s generation and realization of both verbal and 3D graphical non-verbal output behaviors, such as speech, body gestures and facial expressions. This conveys the impression of a human-like agent with relevant domain knowledge, and distinct personality. With the educational goal in the foreground, coherent and synchronized output presentation becomes mandatory, as any inconsistency may undermine the user’s learning process rather than reinforcing it. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5 [Information Interfaces and Presen...
Andrea Corradini, Manish Mehta, Niels Ole Bernsen,
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IUI
Authors Andrea Corradini, Manish Mehta, Niels Ole Bernsen, Marcela Charfuelan
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