

Building intelligent shopping assistants using individual consumer models

14 years 8 months ago
Building intelligent shopping assistants using individual consumer models
This paper describes an Intelligent Shopping Assistant designed for a shopping cart mounted tablet PC that enables individual interactions with customers. We use machine learning algorithms to predict a shopping list for the customer’s current trip and present this list on the device. As they navigate through the store, personalized promotions are presented using consumer models derived from loyalty card data for each inidvidual. In order for shopping assistant devices to be effective, we believe that they have to be powered by algorithms that are tuned for individual customers and can make accurate predictions about an individual’s actions. We formally frame the shopping list prediction as a classification problem, describe the algorithms and methodology behind our system, and show that shopping list prediction can be done with high levels of accuracy, precision, and recall. Beyond the prediction of shopping lists we briefly introduce other aspects of the shopping assistant pr...
Chad M. Cumby, Andrew E. Fano, Rayid Ghani, Marko
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IUI
Authors Chad M. Cumby, Andrew E. Fano, Rayid Ghani, Marko Krema
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