

Sure-Based Wavelet Thresholding Integrating Inter-Scale Dependencies

15 years 2 months ago
Sure-Based Wavelet Thresholding Integrating Inter-Scale Dependencies
We propose here a new pointwise wavelet thresholding function that incorporates inter-scale dependencies. This non-linear function depends on a set of four linear parameters per subband which are set by minimizing Stein's unbiased MSE estimate (SURE). Our approach assumes additive Gaussian white noise. In order for the inter-scale dependencies to be faithfully taken into account, we also develop a rigorous feature alignment processing, that is adapted to arbitrary wavelet filters (e.g. non-symmetric filters). Finally, we demonstrate the efficiency of our denoising approach in simulations over a wide range of noise levels for a representative set of standard images.
Florian Luisier, Thierry Blu, Michael Unser
Added 22 Oct 2009
Updated 27 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ICIP
Authors Florian Luisier, Thierry Blu, Michael Unser
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