The process of authoring document-centric XML documents in humanities disciplines is very different from the approach espoused by the standard XML editing software with the data-centric view of XML. Where data-centric XML is generated by first describing a tree structure of the encoding and then providing the content for the leaf elements, document-centric encodings start with content which is then marked up. In the paper we describe our approach to authoring document-centric XML documents and the tool, xTagger, originally developed for this purpose within the Electronic Boethius project [2], otherwise enhanced within the ARCHway project [5], an interdisciplinary project devoted to development of methods and software for preparation of image-based electronic editions of historic manuscripts. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.7.2 [Document and Text Processing]: Document Preparation— format and notation, hypertext/hypermedia, markup languages General Terms Management, Design Keywo...