This research assessed the effectiveness of selected interface tools in helping people respond to classic information tasks with webcasts. Rather than focus on a classic search/browse task to locate an appropriate webcast to view, our work takes place at the level of an individual webcast to assess interactivity within the contents of a single webcast. The questions guiding our work are: 1) Which tool(s) are the most effective in achieving the best response? 2) How do users use those tools for task completion? In this study, 16 participants responded to a standard set of information tasks using ePresence, a webcasting system that handles both live and stored video, and provides multiple techniques for accessing content. Using questionnaires, screen capture and interviews, we evaluated the interaction, assessed the tools, and based on our results, make suggestions for improving access to the content of stored webcasts. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.3 [Group and Organization In...
Elaine G. Toms, Christine Dufour, Jonathan Lewis,