

An Adaptive Interest Management Scheme for Distributed Virtual Environments

14 years 6 months ago
An Adaptive Interest Management Scheme for Distributed Virtual Environments
Abstract— Traditionally Interest Management (IM) in distributed environments has been performed through a ‘top-down’ expression of interest patterns in the model. For many models the interest patterns are complicated or highly dynamic and are not suitable for expression in this way. Top-down expression also forces the model to contain data about the network communication which should strictly be encapsulated by the infrastructure. We propose a system, based on a Distributed ariable abstraction, capable of automatically deriving interest expressions at the infrastructure level in a ‘bottom-up’ manner. We demonstrate through a simulated testbed that for certain access patterns this dramatically improves the precision of the IM system without sacrificing transparency from a modeller perspective.
Rob Minson, Georgios K. Theodoropoulos
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where PADS
Authors Rob Minson, Georgios K. Theodoropoulos
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