

Simulating Realistic Packet Routing without Routing Protocols

14 years 8 months ago
Simulating Realistic Packet Routing without Routing Protocols
A fundamental requirement for any network simulation environment is the realistic forwarding of packets from a source to a destination in the simulated topology. The routing decisions at each hop along the path should accurately represent decisions made by actual routers with a similar topology. Further, the routing decisions must be affected by topology changes, such as link weight adjustments or node failures. The methods used by the simulation tools to achieve these requirements can be classified into three fundamental classes. First, the simulator can implement a model of any of the well known routing protocols, such as BGP, OSPF, or EIGRP. Assuming the implemented models of these protocols are a reasonable representation of the deployed protocol, the routing decisions and routing updates in the presence of failures will highly accurate and will accurately model the real–world network. A second method is to use global topology knowledge within the simulator to pre–compute rou...
George F. Riley, Dheeraj Reddy
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where PADS
Authors George F. Riley, Dheeraj Reddy
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