

Mobile real-time read-only transaction processing in data broadcast environments

14 years 8 months ago
Mobile real-time read-only transaction processing in data broadcast environments
Data broadcast is a widely accepted data dissemination method for mobile computing systems. When data broadcast is used to deliver frequently updated data to mobile read-only transactions, we call it updates dissemination. Existed updates dissemination protocols are unsuitable for mobile real-time read-only transaction processing since they neglect the time constraints on both data and transactions. In this paper a new updates dissemination protocol called hybrid forward multi-version data broadcast (HFMVB) is proposed. HFMVB not only guarantees the consistency of read-only transactions, it also provides higher data currency and lower miss rate by shortening the consistency interval, instantly broadcasting updates and making use of broadcast on-demand. Keywords updates dissemination, hybrid data broadcast, mobile real-time read-only transaction processing
Guohui Li, Hongya Wang, Yunsheng Liu, Jixiong Chen
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where SAC
Authors Guohui Li, Hongya Wang, Yunsheng Liu, Jixiong Chen
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