

Authentication using graphical passwords: effects of tolerance and image choice

14 years 7 months ago
Authentication using graphical passwords: effects of tolerance and image choice
Graphical passwords are an alternative to alphanumeric passwords in which users click on images to authenticate themselves rather than type alphanumeric strings. We have developed one such system, called PassPoints, and evaluated it with human users. The results of the evaluation were promising with respect to rmemorability of the graphical password. In this study we expand our human factors testing by studying two issues: the effect of tolerance, or margin of error, in clicking on the password points and the effect of the image used in the password system. In our tolerance study, results show that accurate memory for the password is strongly reduced when using a small tolerance (10 х 10 pixels) around the user’s password points. This may occur because users fail to encode the password points in memory in the precise manner that is necessary to remember the password over a lapse of time. In our image study we compared user performance on four everyday images. The results indicate t...
Susan Wiedenbeck, Jim Waters, Jean-Camille Birget,
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Susan Wiedenbeck, Jim Waters, Jean-Camille Birget, Alex Brodskiy, Nasir D. Memon
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