

Fast construction of overlay networks

14 years 7 months ago
Fast construction of overlay networks
An asynchronous algorithm is described for rapidly constructing an overlay network in a peer-to-peer system where all nodes can in principle communicate with each other directly through an underlying network, but each participating node initially has pointers to only a handful of other participants. The output of the mechanism is a linked list of all participants sorted by their identifiers, which can be used as a foundation for building various linear overlay networks such as Chord or skip graphs. Assuming the initial pointer graph is weakly-connected with maximum degree d and the length of a node identifier is W , the mechanism constructs a binary search tree of nodes of depth O(W ) in expected O(W log n) time using expected O((d+W )n log n) messages of size O(W ) each. Furthermore, the algorithm has low contention: at any time there are only O(d) undelivered messages for any given recipient. A lower bound of Ω(d + log n) is given for the running time of any procedure in a relat...
Dana Angluin, James Aspnes, Jiang Chen, Yinghua Wu
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where SPAA
Authors Dana Angluin, James Aspnes, Jiang Chen, Yinghua Wu, Yitong Yin
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