

PapierCraft: a command system for interactive paper

14 years 8 months ago
PapierCraft: a command system for interactive paper
Knowledge workers use paper extensively for document reviewing and note-taking due to its versatility and simplicity of use. As users annotate printed documents and gather notes, they create a rich web of annotations and cross references. Unfortunately, as paper is a static media, this web often gets trapped in the physical world. While several digital solutions such as XLibris [15] and Digital Desk [18] have been proposed, they suffer from a small display size or onerous hardware requirements. To address these limitations, we propose PapierCraft, a gesture-based interface that allows users to manipulate digital documents directly using their printouts as proxies. Using a digital pen, users can annotate a printout or draw command gestures to indicate operations such as copying a document area, pasting an area previously copied, or creating a link. Upon pen synchronization, our infrastructure executes these commands and presents the result in a customized viewer. In this paper we descr...
Chunyuan Liao, François Guimbretière
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where UIST
Authors Chunyuan Liao, François Guimbretière, Ken Hinckley
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