

Web-based progressive geometry transmission using subdivision-surface wavelets

14 years 8 months ago
Web-based progressive geometry transmission using subdivision-surface wavelets
Web-based geometry transmission profits from a transmission system, which is both progressive and compressive. For this application, the wavelet transform has emerged as a suitable tool. We present a new zerotree coding scheme for compressing coefficients resulting from the wavelet transform of B-spline and Catmull-Clark surfaces. It results from a generalization of the original zerotree coding algorithm for image compression. The main idea is the construction of a suitable forest-structure of wavelet coefficients. Furthermore we present a system architecture for web-based progressive geometry transmission. Its main features are the separation of the transmission algorithms from the implementation of several geometry types, a set of parameters for regulating transmission properties, and a thread system for concurrent receiving and visualizing a scene. The power of the zerotree coding scheme is demonstrated by some numerical examples.
Jens Jessl, Martin Bertram, Hans Hagen
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where VRML
Authors Jens Jessl, Martin Bertram, Hans Hagen
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