

Design and Evaluation of iMesh: An Infrastructure-Mode Wireless Mesh Network

14 years 8 months ago
Design and Evaluation of iMesh: An Infrastructure-Mode Wireless Mesh Network
Abstract— Wireless mesh networks are multihop networks of wireless routers typically used for wireless coverage over a large community. Applications include community-scale peer-to-peer networking or sharing of a limited number of high-bandwidth wired gateways. In this paper, we design and evaluate iMesh, an infrastructuremode 802.11-based mesh network. Here, 802.11 access points double as routers making the network architecture completely transparent to mobile clients, who view the network as a conventional wireless LAN. Layer-2 handoffs between access points trigger routing activities inside the network, which can be thought as layer-3 handoffs. We describe the design rationale, including address assignment, hand-off and routing techniques. We also describe a testbed implementation of iMesh and analyze the handoff performance, as well as UDP and TCP performance when frequent handoffs are present. The performance results demonstrate excellent handoff performance, the overall latency...
Vishnu Navda, Anand Kashyap, Samir R. Das
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Vishnu Navda, Anand Kashyap, Samir R. Das
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