

Determining user privacy preferences by asking the right questions: an automated approach

14 years 8 months ago
Determining user privacy preferences by asking the right questions: an automated approach
As the Internet becomes increasingly used for sensitive transactions, the need to protect user privacy becomes more and more important. One fundamental aspect of user privacy is to respect the privacy preferences that users have. A clear prerequisite to doing this is accurately gauging what user’s privacy preferences are. Current approaches either offer limited privacy options or have so many choices that users are likely to be overwhelmed. We present a framework for modeling user privacy preferences in terms of a hierarchy of questions which can be asked. We describe two means of dynamically choosing which questions should be asked to efficiently determine what a user’s privacy preferences are.
Keith Irwin, Ting Yu
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where WPES
Authors Keith Irwin, Ting Yu
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