

Adaptive XML Storage or The Importance of Being Lazy

14 years 8 months ago
Adaptive XML Storage or The Importance of Being Lazy
Building an XML store means finding solutions to the problems of representing, accessing, querying and updating XML data. The irregularity of both the structure and usage of XML, is, however, a big obstacle in achieving good performance. Relational Database Systems rely on a fixed-schema of records to represent and manage data, but XML data, irregular in structure and content, does not seem to allow this approach. This paper describes how the notion of database record has been extended and applied to age and how the resulted store abstracts the structure of the XML data from the actual storage format. Furthermore, we argue that an adaptive (lazy) XML store and partial indexing are the key points in achieving good performance facing the range of different XML usage patterns. This allows for automatic, application-specific tuning, facing the range of challenges imposed by the current XML applications. Keywords XML, XML Storage, XML Indexing, Partial Indexing, Lazy Indexing, Adaptivity, ...
Cristian Duda, Donald Kossmann
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Cristian Duda, Donald Kossmann
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