

Badger - A Fast and Provably Secure MAC

14 years 8 months ago
Badger - A Fast and Provably Secure MAC
We present Badger, a new fast and provably secure MAC based on universal hashing. In the construction, a modified tree hash that is more efficient than standard tree hashing is used and its security is proven. Furthermore, in order to derive the core hash function of the tree, we use a novel technique for reducing ∆-universal function families to universal families. The resulting MAC is very efficient on standard platforms both for short and long messages. As an example, for a 64-bit
Martin Boesgaard, Thomas Christensen, Erik Zenner
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ACNS
Authors Martin Boesgaard, Thomas Christensen, Erik Zenner
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