

Evolutionary Learning of Boolean Queries by Genetic Programming

14 years 8 months ago
Evolutionary Learning of Boolean Queries by Genetic Programming
Abstract. The performance of an information retrieval system is usually measured in terms of two different criteria, precision and recall. This way, the optimization of any of its components is a clear example of a multiobjective problem. However, although evolutionary programming have been widely applied in the information retrieval area, in all of these applications both criteria have been combined in a single scalar fitness function by means of a weighting scheme. In this paper, we deal with using of Genetic Programming in Information retrieval specially in optimizing of a Boolean query.
Suhail S. J. Owais, Pavel Krömer, Václ
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Suhail S. J. Owais, Pavel Krömer, Václav Snásel
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