

Oncology Ontology in the NCI Thesaurus

14 years 6 months ago
Oncology Ontology in the NCI Thesaurus
The National Cancer Institute’s Thesaurus (NCIT) has been created with the goal of providing a controlled vocabulary which can be used by specialists in the various sub-domains of oncology. It is intended to be used for purposes of annotation in ways designed to ensure the integration of data and information deriving from these various sub-domains, and thus to support more powerful cross-domain inferences. In order to evaluate its suitability for this purpose, we examined the NCIT’s treatment of the kinds of entities which are fundamental to an ontology of colon carcinoma. We here describe the problems we uncovered concerning classification, synonymy, relations and definitions, and we draw conclusions for the work needed to establish the NCIT as a reference ontology for the cancer domain in the future.
Anand Kumar, Barry Smith
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where AIME
Authors Anand Kumar, Barry Smith
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