

How Agents Alter Their Beliefs After an Argumentation-Based Dialogue

14 years 8 months ago
How Agents Alter Their Beliefs After an Argumentation-Based Dialogue
In our previous work on dialogue games for agent interaction, an agent’s set of beliefs (Σ) and an agent’s “commitment store” (CS) — the set of locutions uttered by the agent — play a crucial role. The usual assumption made in this work is that the set of beliefs is static through the course of a dialogue, while the commitment store is dynamic. While the assumption of static beliefs is reasonable during the progress of the dialogue, it seems clear that some form of belief change is appropriate once a dialogue is complete. What form this change should take is our subject in this paper.
Simon Parsons, Elizabeth Sklar
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Simon Parsons, Elizabeth Sklar
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