

What kind of argument are we going to have today?

14 years 8 months ago
What kind of argument are we going to have today?
This paper is concerned with argumentation-based dialogues between agents. Much work in this area has been based upon an influential taxonomy of dialogue types developed by Walton and Krabbe. This paper re-examines the Walton and Krabbe framework, concentrating on the preconditions for different types of dialogue and analyzing these in a systematic way. Doing so uncovers some inconsistencies in previous interpretations of the preconditions and, in resolving these inconsistencies, identifies a number of new kinds of dialogue. We discuss some of the more interesting of these new kinds of dialogue and give protocols for them. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.2.11 [Artificial Intelligence]: Distributed Artificial Intelligence— Coherence and co-ordination; multiagent systems. General Terms Languages, theory. Keywords Agent communication, dialogue games, argumentation.
Eva Cogan, Simon Parsons, Peter McBurney
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ATAL
Authors Eva Cogan, Simon Parsons, Peter McBurney
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