This paper addresses the notion of declarative goals as used in agent programming. Declarative goals describe desirable states, and semantics of these goals in an agent programming context can be defined in various ways. This paper defines two semantics for goals, with one based on default logic. The semantics are partly motivated by an analysis of other proposals that have been done in the literature. Further, we establish relations between and properties of these semantics. Categories and Subject Descriptors F.3.2 [Logics and Meanings of Programs]: Semantics of Programming Languages; D.3.1 [Programming Languages]: Formal Definitions and Theory; I.2.11 [Artificial Intelligence]: Distributed Artificial Intelligence—Intelligent agents, languages and structures; I.2.5 [Artificial Intelligence]: Programming Languages and Software; I.2.4 [Artificial Intelligence]: Knowledge Representation Formalisms and Methods—Representations (procedural and rulebased) General Terms Theory, La...
Birna van Riemsdijk, Mehdi Dastani, John-Jules Ch.