

Flat Counter Automata Almost Everywhere!

14 years 8 months ago
Flat Counter Automata Almost Everywhere!
Abstract. This paper argues that flatness appears as a central notion in the verification of counter automata. A counter automaton is called flat when its control graph can be “replaced”, equivalently w.r.t. reachability, by another one with no nested loops. From a practical view point, we show that flatness is a necessary and sufficient condition for termination of accelerated symbolic model checking, a generic semi-algorithmic technique implemented in successful tools like FAST, LASH or TREX. From a theoretical view point, we prove that many known semilinear subclasses of counter automata are flat: reversal bounded counter machines, lossy vector addition systems with states, reversible Petri nets, persistent and conflict-free Petri nets, etc. Hence, for these subclasses, the semilinear reachability set can be computed using a uniform accelerated symbolic procedure (whereas previous algorithms were specifically designed for each subclass).
Jérôme Leroux, Grégoire Sutre
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ATVA
Authors Jérôme Leroux, Grégoire Sutre
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