

Timing the Untimed: Terminating Successfully While Being Conservative

14 years 8 months ago
Timing the Untimed: Terminating Successfully While Being Conservative
Abstract. There have been several timed extensions of ACP-style process algebras with successful termination. None of them, to our knowledge, are equationally conservative (ground-)extensions of ACP with successful termination. Here, we point out some design decisions which were the possible causes of this misfortune and by taking different decisions, we propose a spectrum of timed process algebras ordered by equational conservativity ordering. 1 The Untimed Past The term “process algebra” was coined by Jan Bergstra and Jan Willem Klop in [9] to denote an algebraic approach to concurrency theory. Their process algebra had uniform atomic actions ai for i ∈ I (with I some index set), sequential composition · , choice (alternative composition) + and left-merge as the basic composition operators.1 Much of the core theory of [9] remained intact in the course of more than 20 years of developments in the ACP-school (for Algebra of Communicating Processes) of process algebra. Their the...
Jos C. M. Baeten, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Michel A.
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Jos C. M. Baeten, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Michel A. Reniers
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