

Query expansion using random walk models

14 years 8 months ago
Query expansion using random walk models
It has long been recognized that capturing term relationships is an important aspect of information retrieval. Even with large amounts of data, we usually only have significant evidence for a fraction of all potential term pairs. It is therefore important to consider whether multiple sources of evidence may be combined to predict term relations more accurately. This is particularly important when trying to predict the probability of relevance of a set of terms given a query, which may involve both lexical and semantic relations between the terms. We describe a Markov chain framework that combines multiple sources of knowledge on term associations. The stationary distribution of the model is used to obtain probability estimates that a potential expansion term reflects aspects of the original query. We use this model for query expansion and evaluate the effectiveness of the model by examining the accuracy and robustness of the expansion methods, and investigate the relative effectivenes...
Kevyn Collins-Thompson, Jamie Callan
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CIKM
Authors Kevyn Collins-Thompson, Jamie Callan
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