

Concept-based interactive query expansion

14 years 8 months ago
Concept-based interactive query expansion
Despite the recent advances in search quality, the fast increase in the size of the Web collection has introduced new challenges for Web ranking algorithms. In fact, there are still many situations in which the users are presented with imprecise or very poor results. One of the key difficulties is the fact that users usually submit very short and ambiguous queries, and they do not fully specify their information needs. That is, it is necessary to improve the query formation process if better answers are to be provided. In this work we propose a novel concept-based query expansion technique, which allows disambiguating queries submitted to search engines. The concepts are extracted by analyzing and locating cycles in a special type of query relations graph. This is a directed graph built from query relations mined using association rules. The concepts related to the current query are then shown to the user who selects the one concept that he interprets is most related to his query. Th...
Bruno M. Fonseca, Paulo Braz Golgher, Bruno P&ocir
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CIKM
Authors Bruno M. Fonseca, Paulo Braz Golgher, Bruno Pôssas, Berthier A. Ribeiro-Neto, Nivio Ziviani
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