

Algorithms for the Topological Watershed

14 years 8 months ago
Algorithms for the Topological Watershed
The watershed transformation is an efficient tool for segmenting grayscale images. An original approach to the watershed [1,9] consists in modifying the original image by lowering some points while preserving some topological properties, namely, the connectivity of each lower cross-section. Such a transformation (and its result) is called a W-thinning, a topological watershed being an “ultimate” W-thinning. In this paper, we study algorithms to compute topological watersheds. We propose and prove a characterization of the points that can be lowered during a W-thinning, which may be checked locally and efficiently implemented thanks to a data structure called component tree. We introduce the notion of M-watershed of an image F, which is a W-thinning of F in which the minima cannot be extended anymore without changing the connectivity of the lower cross-sections. The set of points in an M-watershed of F which do not belong to any regional minimum corresponds to a binary watershed of...
Michel Couprie, Laurent Najman, Gilles Bertrand
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jan 2011
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where DGCI
Authors Michel Couprie, Laurent Najman, Gilles Bertrand
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