

Virtually Visual: The effects of visual technologies on online identification

14 years 6 months ago
Virtually Visual: The effects of visual technologies on online identification
Identification is regarded as an important aspect of beneficial online interaction. In addition to providing the individual with potential psychological benefits, identification with an online self or avatar can also increase individual and social understanding and tolerance of difference. The ability to create a character, or avatar, that can be identified with is the initial, and arguably the most important, step in the process of identification. However, this process has changed significantly with the advent and development of visually oriented games. Through participantobservation conducted in World of Warcraft and textual analysis of online forums associated with the game, this paper investigates the ways in which visual elements of online games affect the process of identifying with an online self. Ultimately, it argues that although interacting in a virtual environment where everything is immediately visible can ease the identification process, limits on character appearance, m...
Jennifer Martin
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Jennifer Martin
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