

A Vector Approach to Cryptography Implementation

14 years 6 months ago
A Vector Approach to Cryptography Implementation
The current deployment of Digital Right Management (DRM) schemes to distribute protected contents and rights is leading the way to massive use of sophisticated embedded cryptographic applications. Embedded microprocessors have been equipped with bulky and powerconsuming co-processors designed to suit particular data sizes. However, flexible cryptographic platforms are more desirable than devices dedicated to a particular cryptographic algorithm as the increasing cost of fabrication chips favors large volume production. This paper proposes a novel approach to embedded cryptography whereby we propose a vectorbased general purpose machine capable of implementing a range of cryptographic algorithms. We show that vector processing ideas can be used to perform cryptography in an efficient manner which we believe is appropriate for high performance, flexible and power efficient embedded systems. Keywords. Cryptography, AES, Montgomery Modular Multiplication, RSA, vector architecture.
Jacques J. A. Fournier, Simon W. Moore
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Jacques J. A. Fournier, Simon W. Moore
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