

Fuzzy Virtual Card Agent for Customizing Divisible Card Payments

14 years 8 months ago
Fuzzy Virtual Card Agent for Customizing Divisible Card Payments
: E-commerce customers may have a problem when paying for the purchase of a major item, if its price is larger than the available credit on their credit card. In the brick and mortar world, this problem would be solved by paying part of the bill with cash or with a second credit card. In e-commerce, however, this has not been an option. Furthermore, even when a customer could pay the whole purchase with one of her credit cards, she may prefer to first max out another card with a lower interest rate. The overall goal of this research is to provide customers with the capability of customizing their payments by splitting an e-commerce payment over multiple cards, while taking into account a set of competing preferences over policies and constraints of various cards in determining which cards to use. This paper presents an intelligent card management system, called Fuzzy Virtual Card Agent (f-VA) that supports the customer’s divisible payment decision. By modeling the customer’s prefer...
Soon Ae Chun, Yoo Jung An, James Geller, Sunju Par
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ecweb
Authors Soon Ae Chun, Yoo Jung An, James Geller, Sunju Park
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